Compare And Contrast Egypt And Mesopotamia

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The earliest human civilizations had developed around river valleys which provided them with fertile soil for agriculture and methods of transportation and trade. Two of these civilizations developed in the Middle East, with Ancient Egypt in the Nile River Valley and Mesopotamia, also referred to as “the land between two rivers,” in the “fertile crescent,” between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia shared the fact that they both developed in river valleys which provided them with transportation, trade, irrigation, and allowed for cultural diffusion. However, they are different because Egypt had a positive perspective of the afterlife and natural barriers, while Mesopotamia had a negative perspective of the afterlife and no natural barriers.…show more content…
The Nile River allowed the Ancient Egyptians to go from place to place as needed, and led to trade with outside civilizations. While some traded food and money, others traded language and other variations of resources. People migrated between countries bringing language and diversity to the civilization, leading to cultural diffusion. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers allowed the Mesopotamians to do the same to find trade routes and trade with other outside civilizations. Rivers also gave the civilizations around it irrigation. People had dug canals to bring water to their crops. The Nile River had provided the Ancient Egyptians with fertile soil which was major for farming. Yearly flooding had also allowed them to successfully grow their crops which they could trade for profit or consume themselves. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers also gave Mesopotamia fertile soil and allowed for them to build canals to water their crops, allowing them to successfully grow

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