Comparing John Smith And William Bradford

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A Comparison Between the Writings of John Smith and William Bradford When examining the expert from John Smith’s The General History of Virginia many things can be observed. For example, Smith writes his paper in a third person view point and often commends himself for his great deeds. He boasts that he bears the harder tasks in the community so that the other men do not have to. Native Americans are referred to as “savages”, making them out to be horrible cruel people. Even though these so called “savages” help Smith and his fellow companions he still refers to them poorly. Smith’s paper focuses a lot on himself, and his struggle with the Natives. This comes across as rather odd because the paper is supposed to be a general history. Before his capturing he talks about the colony life very little, and then dives into his own daring time in captivity. John Smith makes rude jabs at the commanding authority of the colony. He may be stating the truth, but he compares the new President to himself. Smith says the President is unloved by his subject. He then mentions that in comparison to the President, Smith sets good examples from his fellow comrades. Smith always has good words, and fair promises putting…show more content…
The excerpt from Bradford’s article Of Plymouth Plantation is written in first person point of view unlike Smith’s paper. Bradford rarely talks about himself, but more often talks about the struggles of his community. While Smith only mentions God once or twice, Bradford mentions God more than five times. He’s constantly thanking God for all the gift he bestows on the Plymouth colony. Similar to the other excerpt, Bradford talks about a time of starving in which many men died. Both Smith and Bradford were both saved by kind Indians who brought them food and other provisions. Bradford’s paper is more of a general history, even though that is what Smith’s paper is claimed to

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