Colosseum Research Paper

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The Colosseum of Rome, also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, was a symbol of Roman power. Colossal in size, it brought together people to witness games which tested the strength of men. Its stone walls have lasted thousands of years despite its constant misuse, damage, and abandonment. It inspired changes in how civilizations perceived massive, free-standing structures: which had been, up until this point, carved into mountain sides so that they could be supported. The construction of the arches alone shows masterful artistry as well as sophisticated traffic control, but also a compelling example of the classist nature of society. A similar separation of status is something which still lurks in modern buildings today, particularly events…show more content…
Its function outside of entertainment is a milestone of accomplishment for environmental activists. As the past inspires the future, the present improves upon the past. The circle of bettering ourselves has lead us to take more care to incorporate productive functionality and gorgeous visual appeal to the modern designs the twenty-first century constructs based upon the iconic historical buildings which inspires us. The Colosseum was the first of its kind. While it is true that many stadiums and arenas had been built to host the games before, but never on this scale and never as a free-standing building. The Colosseum began its construction from approximately A.D. 70-72 until it was finished in approximately A.D. 80. Vespasian, the Roman emperor of the Flavian dynasty, made the decision to build the Colosseum. He wanted to build as a way to convey the "Glory of Rome". The Colosseum was meant to be a gift to the Roman people in order to create a space that could be occupied by huge masses for their entertainment. The main purpose of the Colosseum was its use for the gladiator games. These gladiators became popular and famous just as todays

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