Clybourne Park Themes

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Pandora’s Box Clybourne Park by Bruce Norris tackles a time in our cultural and political history we as an audience would rather avoid. Not only does Norris present the subject of suicide, he also displays the reality of racism in two different eras. Norris is able to soften the harshness of the play by making light of such dark times. While these tactics make the play more appealing to the general public, they do not make the audience or the character on stage any more comfortable with the subjects. The theme of avoidance is shown during the course of the entire play, but especially with the characters in the first act. Each character is trying to avoid different elements and all of their “elephants in the room” are not helping the cause. To start, Albert is trying to help Bev and avoid offending Russ, something that seems virtually impossible. And all of these problems are while Albert is trying to avoid getting himself and his wife in the problems of the neighborhood. Albert’s “elephant in the room” in the first act, is very similar to Kevin’s in the second act. Kevin is trying to protect his wife, much like Albert. Kevin supports his wife’s choice to take a stand in preserving the neighborhood but is still trying to avoid too much conflict. While both of the characters and their objectives cause tension, you cannot…show more content…
Lindsey and Steve make this argument in act two. With such a story and so many personal and historical memories in a home, they should not be able to tear it down for the use of the property. The personal connection Russ and Bew have to the home would tear them apart if they knew the house was being taken down. The demolition of the house would tear apart the memories of Kenny, and whomever else. While there are financial benefits to destroying the home to rebuild, that is never a good enough reason. Personal history and concerns should always trump financial
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