Cause And Effect Of The Civil War Essay

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Imagine a once united country, split into the North and the South, fighting for their individual beliefs and opinions. The Civil War is a major story in the United States's past. First, there are four main causes building this story. These include slavery, lifestyle, sectionalism, and secession. Second, four leaders stood out to fight for their cause; Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis. This war included many battles such as the battle at Shiloh, Antietam, Gettysburg, and Appomattox. In the end, the results of the war include the Emancipation Proclamation, the assassination of President Lincoln, and the lasting effects from the war. Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier state that, "The North and South, almost from the beginning of the settlement of what would be the United States, were natural rivals." Therefore, the causes, key figures, battles, and results give insight to the story of the Civil War. The diverse lifestyles and opinions on slavery between the North and South were two main causes of the Civil War. To begin, daily life in the North vastly differed from life in the South. Each…show more content…
Grant stood out and represented their cause. Starting off, Abraham Lincoln was the most significant leader of the North, as the 16th President. Bob Rees explains that, "Lincoln made the Republican Party a powerful organization and persuaded the Democrats in the North to support the Union (Rees 15). Likewise, Commander of the District of Southeast Missouri Ulysses S. Grant, fought as a significant leader of the North, and later becoming the 18th President of the United States. The article Ulysses S. Grant states that, "His 1862 triumphs at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in western Tennessee won him the nickname 'Unconditional Surrender' Grant, and placed him before the public eye." Overall, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant were two major leaders for the North during the Civil

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