Civil War Dbq

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The Formation of the Confederacy started December 20, 1860 and was a prominent cause of the Civil War. Starting with South Carolina, the rest of the southern states, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, followed. The radical differences between the North and the South made the Southern states feel like a different country because of the 1860 election and the threats to end slavery, the major differences in agriculture and industrialization and the viewpoints behind them, and the North didn’t follow rules that the South set up such as the Fugitive Slave Act. The Southern States of America relied heavily on slavery. Slavery was used on the plantations and farms of the southerners who grew crops like cotton, coffee and…show more content…
The South had a wealthier community because Agricultural exports are valued very highly. With the huge difference in the type of economy in the south than in the north, the South felt like they should succeed and start their own country. Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk, writers of the Early Republic to Civil War, said “Plantation slavery dominated the South during this period… Planters moved their slaves in large numbers to the interior of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. World demand for cotton kept pace with increasing production and cotton plantations were highly profitable during most of the period leading up to the American Civil War” (267) This quote shows that there was a very good economy in the South for the plantations. All the slave owners moved to the south so their plantations could flourish under the right climate. Because the large migration of plantations, this set up the industrial north and the agricultural South…show more content…
The Northern citizens felt like they didn’t have to obey the law. “The free states were free states, these opponents argued, and their citizens could not be forced to recognize, assist, or strengthen a barbaric institution that their states had outlawed. Individual citizens in free states could similarly not be forced to support the institution in violation of their religious beliefs.” (Knupfer 4,5) This proves that the Northern population for the most part was against the Fugitive Slave act, which ultimately angered the southern plantation and slave owners. If the the North couldn’t obey the law that helps the south, do they even respect the south. The not-cooperating from the North made the South feel un respected. The obvious disregard of a law set in place by the

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