Citizen Kane Mood

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In the first Act of Citizen Kane, we witness an old man dying, see a few of his associates, witness a young Kane and his family, and see a glimpse of an older Charles Foster Kane. Still in the beginning of the film, we are figuring out who Charles Foster Kane is or was. There is a part in the scene where Kane and Mr. Thatcher are having a discussion on why Kane is losing money towards the newspaper. Kane explains to Mr. Thatcher that he is speaking to two people- the first; he understands his status, his money hungry, and a scoundrel. Secondly, he’s the editor of the newspaper and sympathizes with “decent hard-working people that are not rob blind. “ The notation Kane gives to Mr. Thatcher, about speaking to two people, foreshadows of what…show more content…
Then we meet a reporter, going on a manhunt to track down Charles Foster Kane’s associates. His ex wife is not happy about Thompson visit and asking questions. We are also introducing a few others that share common hate and a respect towards the old man, but yet, we are unaware of who is Charles Foster Kane. The mood of the film sets up a miserable and melancholy atmosphere to a once rich man. Maybe this plays out to the rest of the film, perhaps not, but the beginning of the film is like a 400 relay race. The first leg runner, if he is good, starts off strong, providing a good lead against his opponent. In the film terminology, the opening of the film (the beginning) Act 1, gives us all of the information the viewers are wanting; it answers simply questions like-Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Just like the strong first leg runner, Act 1 is the set up point before we get into the first plot point. So as the first leg runner is running the full 400 meters, the runner encompasses 2 curves and 2 straightaways. That means the runner is pacing themselves to stay out in front and reserve enough energy in order to handoff to the second leg. So what this mean for this film? In, Citizen Kane, Welles uses…show more content…
In Citizen Kane, the film starts off, again, mysterious, not providing us much to go on because time has started from the end of one’s person’s life which is Charles Foster Kane, than continues to move forward after the death of the protagonist. Next, the film gives us a glimpse into Kane’s past. And finally, we are taken where it all starts in Kane’s life on how he became a newspaper mogul and lost everything. This carries into when Kane dies from what we see in the beginning of the film-a full circle effect-in an out of sequence way. The 4th leg finished strong winning the
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