Chorus In Antigone

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What is the role of the Chorus in Antigone? Antigone, written by Sophocles, and translated by J. E. Thomas, is a Greek play that is about a sister, Antigone, who wants to bury her brother, Polyneices, but is forbidden by Creon, the king of Thebes. The Chorus, one of the characters, plays a vital role, because they act as a narrator, a voice for people of Thebes, and a voice for the audience. The Chorus, in some parts of the play, resembles the narrator. They provide a form of prologue and epilogue in the play, which helps both the reader and the play watchers understand what is occurring as events progress. The Chorus is not only present at the beginning and the end of the play, but as well as scenes in between. They introduce characters that are about to enter the scene under the context of death; for example, in lines 636 to 644, “Chorus: But here is Haemon. The last and youngest of your children! Does he come in grief for the fate of his intended bride, the maiden Antigone, in mourning for the bed he was cheated out of? Creon: We will soon know better than predictions. … Or am I your friend whatever I do?” (Sophocles 37), we can see that after Chorus says this, Haemon enters the scene and starts conversing with his father, Creon.…show more content…
They are considered a committee of wise men who directly communicate with the other characters in the play such as Creon, Antigone, and the Messengers. In lines 846 – 841, “Antigone: Oh! I am mocked! By our fathers’ gods, why do you outrage me, not yet departed, but still in the light? … Chorus: Reverence is a mark of character, but power, for a man who has it, does not tolerate offenses against itself. Your self-guiding anger destroyed you.” (Sophocles 45 – 46), it shows that Antigone and Chorus are communicating directly just before she is escorted to the tomb where later she is found

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