Charles Manson Research Paper

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Connor Fitzpatrick 23 September, 2015 Mr. Moolenaar The Life of Charles Manson The criminal life of Charles Manson started at a very early age. When he was just a little boy he had to live with his aunt and uncle in West virginia because his mother was currently in jail for grand theft auto. Living with his mother ,she didn’t discipline him like a normal mother. so when he was brought into his aunt and uncles strict, and religious home, his criminal thought and actions were noticed. He was in and out of detention centers his whole life. It seemed as though he liked living in the institutions and held a razor blade at the throat at a young boy just to be back in a more secure confinement in Ohio. At nineteen he got married to a waitress…show more content…
The start of this started off with small crimes. When Manson was 12 he was sent to the Gibault School for Boys in Terre Haute, Indiana, for theft. The next 20 years of Manson's life would consist of him being in and out these schools. His first burglary was at a grocery store which gave him the funds to get a room for himself. Soonly after Manson's name was attached to a series of proceeding burglaries. He was eventually sent to an Indianapolis Juvenile Detention Center after being caught attempting to steal a bicycle. He soon escaped with another boy and his uncle. Together they committed two armed robberies. Then he was sent to another detention school where he of course, escaped with another young boys in 1951. After stealing cars and driving to california he was sent to another school in Washington D.C. where he took an IQ test and was considered to be…show more content…
After being considered very dangerous he was sent from Virginia to Ohio to a more secure institution. He was a very good student and was a model for everyone else. After getting released he married a hospital waitress, Rosalie Jean Willis, with whom he found to be a genuine wife. The marriage was short lived and was financially supported by small jobs and and auto robberies by Charles. He took another stolen car interstate and was once again caught, before being sent to Terminal Island, California. His first murder was in 1969 when manson, displeased at the sloppiness of the previous nights murders conducted by his followers, he accompanies his followers in a search for victims. After awhile they come up on a supermarket when Leno LaBianca and his wife were gruesomely murdered by him and his crew. When L.A detectives interview a man named Al Springer, a gang member who had connections with Manson, who claims that Manson told him that he spoke about killing people only days after the Tate murders. This would have been closely following the past murder, also in

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