Examples Of Integrity In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most famous novels of all time, characters demonstrate different levels of integrity. This novel takes place in the roaring 1920’s on the fictional islands of West and East Egg. It is here where the tragic love story of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan unfolds. Nick Carraway demonstrates integrity because he is loyal. A character in the book with some integrity is Jay Gatsby because he is honest about his love for Daisy but dishonest in his personal life. In contrast to Nick and Gatsby, the character with the least amount of integrity, however, is Daisy Buchanan because she is selfish. Nick Carraway demonstrates integrity because he is loyal . A time when Nick Carraway, the narrator…show more content…
Jay Gatsby demonstrates his integrity because he is honest about his love for Daisy, but dishonest about his personal life. When Nick arranges a get together for Daisy and Gatsby, Gatsby gets all anxious for her arrival because of his love for her. When Gatsby starts speaking, he gets flustered and a clock drops as he struggles to keep it from not falling and putting it back on the shelf. As Gatsby and Daisy keep talking, Daisy says, “‘We haven’t met for many years,’” and Gatsby replies, “‘Five years next November.’” (87). This shows how much Gatsby loves Daisy because he has been keeping track of all the days that he has been waiting for her. Furthermore, Gatsby still shows honesty for his love for Daisy when Jordan Baker talks to Nick about Gatsby while driving through Central Park. Jordan says, “‘...though he says he’s read a Chicago paper for years just on catching a glimpse of Daisy’s name.’” (79). This shows how much Gatsby loves Daisy by reading the same newspaper every day to just see her name. However, Gatsby also shows dishonesty when he talks about his personal life. When Nick and Gatsby drives into the city to see Mr. Wolfsheim, Gatsby tells Nick about his life. Gatsby says, “‘I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford, because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years’” (65). When Gatsby, Tom, Nick, Jordan, and Daisy are in the hotel room, Gatsby and Tom
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