Change In Beastly

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For years adults have told their children fairy tales, fictional stories with happy endings. Over time, these stories have been manipulated in many ways, especially in the maturity of their content. Beastly, by Alex Flinn, is a fractured, or changed, fairy tale following the story of Beauty and the Beast. In Beastly, a young man is turned into a beast, as a result of his actions. The boy has two years to find true love, and to kiss a girl, while being a beast, However, if the boy cannot do this, he will remain a beast forever. Although they are not very realistic, fairy tales do bring forth the positive message that one’s whole life can change at any given moment; and that previous actions, good or bad, can initiate the change.…show more content…
Be that as it may, Adrian’s two years are almost up, and Lindy, Adrian’s only chance for true love, is nowhere in sight. However, at the last moment, Adrian finds out Lindy is in trouble, and rushes to save her. Adrian ran out, ready to risk life and limb for Lindy, something he never would have done before. As he is running to Lindy, Adrian is thinking “I had to find her. Once that happened, I could live or die. It wouldn’t matter.” (266). After saving Lindy, they kiss, and the curse is removed. When Lindy finally realizes who Adrian is, she asks about the spell, to which Adrian replies “Magic. It was magic, and the magic is called love. I love you, Lindy” (274), to which they kiss, and go home to live. Adrian completely changed as a person, from the night two years prior. Adrian was corrupt, and because of this, he was changed into a beast. Adrian’s morals were ameliorated, and because of this, he found true love. Adrian’s immediate and altruistic response, allowed him to reach Lindy, which ultimately changed his life, for the better. Adrian’s philanthropic actions, lead to him being transformed again from a beast to a man, almost instantly; Adrian’s life was instantaneously changed, thanks to his unselfish
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