Comparing Disney's Beauty And The Beast

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Fairy Tales across the country, especially in America made a big impact in little girl’s life. Nine out ten little girls want to be a princess or want people to call them princess, or chose one of the princess character in Disney to be their favorite. The story of Beauty and the Beast always cross my mind when talking about fairy tales or a Princess story, especially after I visited Disney World with my family in 2013. On I stayed there, my family and I went to visit Magic Kingdom one of the four parks at Disney World. My two daughters Francesca and Lindsay, and my niece Graycelyn had a chance to play a role in the story Beauty and the Beast. Since that day I have been very curious to learn more about it. I will compare and contrast these four versions of Beauty and the Beast. The first one by Disney’s film, the second one by Grimm Brothers, the third one by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, and the fourth one Beastly, by modern author Alex Flinn. All four…show more content…
I watched the Disney version and read the original fairy tale, and the two other versions. All have similarities of Beauty and the beast's as the main characters and Beauty's father was rich and lost everything. If we research about this beautiful fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”, we will discover 99% of all versions are the same even though these versionss are written so many years apart, they are all based on the same similarities. A merchant who was rich and lived with three daughters, and a beast who was under a curse, the curse will lift up only if he found someone who would deeply fall in love with him. Despite the Beast was ugly, but he always treated Belle with kindness and a lot of love, even though Belle has been afraid of his fearful-looking face. For the merchant return Beauty’s sister asked for lovely dresses but Beauty was so humble and unique, she just asked for a rose that was not going to cost her father a

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