light at home If you have to stay awake late, then use lights in warm colors. Red or orange light has the smallest influence on your biorhythm and doesn't affect the production of the sleeping hormone. It would be the best if you forget about the phone and the computer, at least two hours before bedtime. Try to absorb as many Sun as you can during the day. Except for feeling better, the sun's rays will stimulate the production of vitamin D, which is beneficial to your health. Fresh are will purify
Females are victimized by someone they know. It can be the creepy uncle, or the cool grandpa. Acquaintance rape in most cases is committed by someone close to the victim or the victims’ family. Any time of penetration is rape, and you have a right to say NO! It is illegal and it’s devastating to the victim. Acquaintance rape can be classified as “date rape.” People tend to believe that rape can be avoided “if she didn’t dress provocative,” or “she was asking for it!” none of that is true
HARD STAINS Chap-1 Gayatri found it surprising. The stain was hard, and refused to go off the sticky dark bottom of the copper utensil. It was as if it was the scrub in her hand, which was feverish and tired, and not she, really. Sitamaa should have left some food cooking in the vessel for more than the reasonable length of time yesterday, and hence ended up cooking some stain, instead of whatever she had in mind when she had started out. The inevitable traces of the crime were still found clinging