Causes Of The Russian Revolution Essay

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“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change,” by Jim Rohn. During the rule of Tsar Nicholas II, the peasants and the working class were already suffering before the idea of a revolution was alive. The people no longer thought of the Tsar as a good leader due to his three major strikes, The Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday, and WWI. Although those strikes contributed to the revolution, there are other factors that also lead to the revolution. The Russian Revolution was caused by poverty, the people’s needs not being met, and the Tsar’s and government’s rule. Due to 85% of the Russian population being peasants, most of Russia was in poverty. In document 4 we are given a chart telling us the changes in food prices, from December 1916-February 1917 due to WWI, for example, “potatoes, cheese, and cabbage prices increased by 25%, butter and bread by 15%, and ham by 60%.” Since the peasants were in poverty, most would have struggled to pay for food for not only themself but their family as well. The people even had to wait in long lines that were formed the previous day to get their food the next. In document 10, a Russian farmer in 1917 said,…show more content…
The peasants being in poverty, their needs not being met, and their government were things that helped lead to the revolution. The people became unhappy with all of the major events and the reasons I have provided in this essay. The people wanted a change in their life for the better, and if they could not get it by using the petition from Bloody Sunday then they would change their life for the better with a revolution. This revolution would be lead in the future by Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks would draw in the workers and the peasants with their slogan and promises. This revolution would lead to changes for the people, but not to how the people believed it would change
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