Catherine Thompson's Case: The Case Of A Macbeth Project

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Macbeth project Catherine Thompson was arrested for hiring a hitman to kill her husband. She herself, didn’t kill him so she justified, “I wasn’t the one who killed him, so I shouldn’t be the one in trouble for it”. She discussed her husband’s life insurance policy three months prior to the event with a State Farm agent and had come to a conclusion that his policy was worth approximately $400,000.00 to which she figured that would be a great piece of cash in her purse. She ordered Phillip Conrad Sanders to shoot her husband and make it look as if it was a robbery for his Rolex watch. By ordering the hit, she was convicted to life behind bars without bail. When Catherine Thompson was arrested, not only did she admit to it, but she also gave the names of three others who were accomplices to the murder of her husband which consisted of, Phillip Conrad Sanders, 37, the alleged gunman; his wife, Carolyn Sanders, 37, who allegedly picked up a $1,500 advance payment for the killing; and Carolyn Sanders' son Robert Lewis Jones, 20, who allegedly drove the getaway car. All three of the family members were told they would get a piece of the $400,000.00. “once everything blows over”.…show more content…
The thing that got her a life sentence wasn’t the hit itself but instead, it was her request of her family members to take all jewelry her husband was wearing off. Upon her request, she had all of the jewelry pawned and put directly into her prison bank account. But, Municipal Judge Patti Jo McKay of Los Angeles convicted the three others without bail after a long three-day preliminary

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