Canterbury Tales Comparison

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Claire Kelly Mrs. Kupchik English 12 15 October 2014 Canterbury Tales Comparison Back in the time of Chaucer, women were hardly seen as equals. 14th century England society was highly dominated by men and women were rarely seen as having much influence in society. In “The Prologue” of The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer goes against the popular belief of the time and tells us about two women in particular who show great diversity from one another and modern society. These two women are the Wife of Bath and the Nun Prioress. These two women couldn’t be anymore different from one another. They each have their own characteristics which make them stand out from the rest of the characters which leaves a lasting image in your mind of who they are. The…show more content…
The Wife of Bath is a strong believer in expensive attire. Even though her occupation as a seamstress does not present her with an income worthy of purchasing these fine clothes, she has access to all of the latest fashions and the finest cloths through her job and is able to make her own clothes. Her social class does not reflect her being wealthy, but she can mask her wealth by showing the world her fine sense of style. She is described as wearing scarlet panty hose with heavy and thick garments. The Nun Prioress, on the other hand, is a very modest women who deeply aspires to have exquisite taste. She came from a wealthy family and is used to the finer things in life, especially gold. She wears her traditional cloak and veil in the story along with a coral and green bracelet for praying along the way during the pilgrimage. Both of these women exemplify two different members of society who share the common belief that fine clothing makes you seem wealthy and…show more content…
The Wife of Bath is very out there and chatty. She loves talking to strangers and her favorite subject to discuss is love and relationships. Since she has been married five times, she is believed to be an expert in relationships by now. One of Chaucer’s quotes that really captures the Wife of Bath’s personality is: "In company she liked to laugh and chat and knew the remedies for love's mischances, an art in which she knew the oldest dances." line 484. She is a very talkative woman who loves to laugh and has no problem throwing herself out there. The Nun Prioress on the other hand is much more modest and tends to keep to herself more. She is very well-mannered and empathetic towards other people. She believes in the finer things of life that sometimes get in the way of her spiritual beliefs. Most people believe that she is much more interested in gold and riches than the her position in the
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