Candle Lab Hypothesis

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1. Introduction Background Candles Candles are a suitable way for producing light & heat whenever there is no electricity or when it is brownout. Candles are originally made from wax, that is made from different things and a wick/string in the middle. Wax that is made from candle acts as a fuel for the candle not to burn or melt so easily. The wick/string in the middle provides for the candle to be lighted by fire. When the wick of a candle is lighted, the hotness form the fire/flame will dissolve the was around the wick. The dissolve wax will be immersed by the wick and the passage way action will attract the wax towards the candle. When the wax is near the fire, it will start to evaporate and that evaporated wax will start to born or melt.…show more content…
A lighted candle needs to attract oxygen from the air in order to last the melting. If the quantity of air is at its limit, the candle’s flame will blow out because it used up all the oxygen inside. Existing Problem: How to prevent suffocation when there is Fire. Science Principle: Conclusion/Objective: The purpose of this project is to determine which of this factors can affect the dying out of the candle, when it is in a container. This wants to determine to which can do. 2. Research Problem What is the effect of the Height of the candle on the blowing out of the fire of the candle when it is covered by a jar? 3. The higher the height of the candle the faster it will blow out. 4. Experimentation a. Procedure 1. First get the materials 3 candles w/ different heights, 3 jars w/ the same heights, and some lighter to light the candle. 2. Line the three candles in a row w/ different heights. 3. Light it w/ a lighter and if could ask for assistance to a grown up. 4. Cover the candles w/ the same height of jar then observe which of the candles will blow out first. 5. after finishing the trial 1 do it again until doing trial 3 and observe if something will change then record the time of each candle when go

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