Cafe Short Story

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Woo! Woo! The wind howls across the grass, stinging the back of my legs as I sprint to the Impresso Espresso Cafe. This morning, the woods were filled with the sheer weight of ice. I was wearing my slip-ons which was a terrible idea in this weather but the pair of shoes are my lucky charms. The cafe is about twenty minutes away from my house. I was already late for my appointment this morning. I always dreamed about this appointment my whole life. Today is the day where I can finally become an official author. My parents always wanted me to be a lawyer but I always wanted to be an author. I also didn’t want to disappoint my parents as well. For which I am studying law as well. As I am navigating through the morning rush I stop to clean my glasses…show more content…
The walls of the house have become depleted, plaster has dropped, windows and doors are broken. There is a small lake beside the house which is part of Saifan Sahib’s property. Saifan Sahib has renovated the house from the inside but not the outside. The house has a huge courtyard. The courtyard is filled with tall big trees. For a long time, Saifan Sahib hasn’t cleaned his courtyard and it's like a mini forest in there. Ever since his wife passed away he has been like a dead man living in the house just holding to memories of good times. In the courtyard of Saifan Sahib’s house, there is a Dryad tree and the tree has been there for centuries. The tree is huge and it's located in front of the house. Because of the gigantic tree, sunlight doesn't come in the house. Everybody in the town knows that there are ghosts in the Dryad tree and as local people passes the house they always run and try to pass the tree as quick as possible. The villagers always thought how does Saifan Sahib live alone in the house with the Dryad tree right beside the house. Nobody really knows the answer to that. However, Saifan Sahib never really had any incidents with the Dryad tree until…show more content…
Once again, Saifan Sahib blasted with another booming laughter. Then rolled his eyes and asked, “Why do I need to show you how humans can scare ghosts?” The dreadful Casper slowly muttered, “No, No. There’s no need for that. I am already scared of you.” Saifan Sahib said, "That’s exactly why you shouldn’t try to scare anybody else. If you would have scared somebody else they would be very scared and possibly have a heart attack. That’s why it's not right to scare anybody. Maybe you will have a little fun but that person will be very scared of you.” "I'm sorry," Casper said, "I did not think it that way. Mother always tells me to not scare people. I just thought it was a lot of fun, so I tried to scare you." Saifan Sahib said in a soft voice, "Always listen to your mother and never disobey her. You disobeyed your mother’s word and look what happened. If you disobey your mother, then there will always be a danger.” Casper realized his mistake. He shook his head and said, "I will never scare anybody
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