Burial Rituals In Islam

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The Quran states that, “Every soul shall taste of death.” In understanding this, consequently, death is not something to be feared or to be fought against, but to something one should be reconciled. Death is inevitable and one of the consequences of birth is that all of us are going to die, and for believers in the Muslim faith as it becomes clear that a devotee is approaching death, there are various practices which are customary to follow. One of those are the thirty sixth chapter of the Quran, the Surah Ya-Sin, is recited for the person or loved one. This is a Surah that dwells on death, judgment and resurrection, so that the person can be thinking of these things as death is approaching. This paper seeks to highlight the Burial Rituals…show more content…
The preparation of the body for burial is known as “Fard Kiffaayah” this is known as a communal obligation on Muslims. The preparation for the deceased begins with the washing of the body, and there are also general rules when washing the body. These rules include; males must take the responsibility of washing males, and females must take the responsibility of washing the females. There is only one exception to this rule, which is in the case of husband and wife or small children. The ones who take this responsibility of the washing of the body must have knowledge of the procedure and is preferably from amongst the immediate family members and relatives. In the case of a relative being unavailable, the recommended person should be among the…show more content…
The presiding Imam would stand but its side with the intension of offering the Salat-ul-janazah is for that particular deceased person, raising both hands up to the ear and saying “Allahu Akbar” the congregation usually follows the Imam’s lead. Its translation means “I intend to offer for Allah, the Sublime, four takbirs of Funeral prayers, praise Allah, the Sublime and Blessings (of Allah) fir the Apostle and prayer for this deceased person; I adopt the lead of this Imam, with my face turned in the direction of the honored Ka’ba.” (Siddiqui,

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