Bunker Hill Research Paper

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The Battle of Bunker Hill was very important to American history. On June 13, 1775, the leaders of the colonial forces besieging Boston learned that British generals were planning to send out troops from the city to occupy unoccupied hills noutside of Boston. 1,200 colonial troops under the command of William Prescott occupied Bunker Hill and Breed's hill. The British was warned the next day and the immediately mounted an attack against them. On the night of June 16, 1775, after many preparations, William Prescott led close to 1,200 men onto the peninsula in order to set up positions. After two assaults, the British finally captured positions on the third assault. The Americans were so low on ammunition they were told, "Don't fire…show more content…
Boston is situated on a peninsula, it's largely protected by the water surrounding it, which were completely dominated by British warships. After the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, the colonial militia, with a force of about 15,000 men, they had surrounded the town. They controlled the only land access to Boston itself, but, with lacking a Navy, they could not control the British domination of the waters of the harbor. The land across the water contained a lot of hills, which could be an advantage if used right. The militia could bombard the city until the occupied army evacuated if they had enough artillery pieces to place on the hills. The Knox Expedition, led by Henry Knox, later transported cannons from Fort Ticonderoga in the Boston area. Throughout May, Gage ordered them to request support, the British received reinforcements until they reached a strength of about 6,000 men. Gage began planning with generals to escape the city. On June 13, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress was notified that someone had overheard, while visiting Boston, the British commanders making plans

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