Bullying In Sociology

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Group: Trio (Phan Nguyễn Giang Thanh, Trần Hà Quang, Nguyễn Hoàng Bảo Hân, Nguyễn Ngọc Lam Quỳnh) Date: 18th March 2016 Subject: Sociology - Group project Teacher: Chad Meek Topic: Assessment of bully status in Ho Chi Minh city's high schools ABSTRACT Crime and violence is the healthy and functional part of society according to sociologist Emile Durkheim, school violent (bully) is not an exception. Its deviant effects not only help in distinguishing right and wrong, but also to display social problems: lack of attachment, lack of beliefs, education, etc. According to stopbully.gov, bully is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has…show more content…
It’s good to know that lots of young people are willing to help others from bullying. However, there is a quite large percentage of people choose to step beside and do nothing. They are called “the bystanders”. They see what is going on but just let it happen. They are less willing to help people who being bullied because they think somebody else will do it or they’re afraid of what other people will think or do to them. “The bystanders” may think this doesn’t harm anything but it actually gives the power to the bullies. The negative effects of bullying Most of students do not report to bully to adults and they hide it due to various reasons. Some may feel embarrassed or being laugh by others if they are being bullied as they are weak, or they don’t see that adult can solve the problems. Some are the victims of cyberbullying afraid being blame if they tell the parents since they are the one to associate with social network. As a result, students keep remain silent while being bullied. Nevertheless, if this situation continues to happen, there will be serious consequence. 1 On the…show more content…
Bystander can be divided into two type: hurtful bystanders and helpful bystanders.5 With the hurtful bystanders, they will encourage the bully by cheering, recording or even participate to the bully, or some will just watch it by doing nothing like standing there and not calling for help as they afraid to be the next target if getting involved in the bully. Then, these bystanders might be addicted in violence and join the bully gang to fight other weak people since after observing the bully-incident, they can tell that the strong side can be the “king of school”. The others may feel guilty afterward for not helping the victims or even have mental problem if the victim commit suicide. With the helpful bystanders, they are willing to help the victim defend the bully or call others for help. However, it is a risk that the bullies get revenge and these helpful people will be the next

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