Btk Killer Case

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There have been many serial killer cases from the past that were not able to be solve due to no eye witnesses, which leads to no suspects in the case. Cold cases is what they have become. As technology has advanced it has become known that D.N.A. can lead to the capture of many serial killers. It links them to all the victims that they came in contact with and murdered. In the BTK case, technology assisted with the capture of Dennis Rader in the Wichita, Kansas area. D.N.A. also was able to link him to his 10 victims. Rader is like most serial killers but he is also different. He communicated with police a lot, most serial killers are loners. Dennis Rader was not a loner, he worked within the community and was the president of the…show more content…
Rader is responsible for the murder of 10 people in the Wichita Kansas area. After each incident, the BTK killer would write an anonymous letter to the local media outlets and the local police. These letters would contain intimate knowledge of the killings (Hansen, 2006). The trail went cold until 2004 when Rader sent a letter to the police, after an article in the paper claimed the BTK killer to be either dead or in prison somewhere (Hansen, 2006). The letter contained a confession to a murder that had not been linked to the BTK killer. The police were able to produce a DNA profile from suspected biological material that had been collected from the victim’s fingernails. They collected this during the autopsy of the victim that he admitted in his letter as being one of his victims. They collected this before D.N.A. evidence was ever thought of. Having that D.N.A. profile would come in handy later on (Hansen,…show more content…
Two agents helped devise a strategy to deal with BTK (Hansen, 2006). They had helped Landwehr build a relationship with Rader through their communications. Rader felt the police were his friends and in one instance Raider asked if he could communicate with Landwehr through a floppy disk, without it being traced back to him. Landwehr put a message in the classified section of the paper saying “Rex, it will be ok.” as Rader had instructed for him to do. A few weeks had passed when a floppy disk from the BTK killer was sent to a local television station. It was this disk that game them the information they needed. The disk was traced to Rader through a computer at the church he attended (Young, 2011). Rader had tried his best to cover his tracks when sending the floppy disk, but he forgot one thing. On the disk labeled “this is a test” in the properties section of the document it had the name of the person who had last saved it, Dennis. They discovered the disk had been used at the Park City Library and the Christ Lutheran Church (Hansen,

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