Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory

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It is possible for an individual to be Deaf and still be successful. It is also possible for an individual who is Deaf to have the ability of speech. It is possible for a Deaf individual to be treated equally in this world. Often times, the world categorizes a deaf person as someone who will never amount to the same abilities as a normal hearing person. In reality, a Deaf person could amount up to and even surpass some hearing person abilities. In the BBC documentary, Deaf Teens: Hearing World, we witness the lives of five teens who were born profoundly deaf. The documentary highlighted: Christiana, 17, Megan, 19, Kusher 19, Sara, 19, and Jake, 15. Through them, it is made aware that no two-deaf person shared the same experiences in life. They…show more content…
Bronfenbrenner looks at children’s development within the context of the system of relationships within an environment, Micro-, Meso-, Exo-, and the Macro- system. These four systems all work concurrently within the environments children live in. Using the documentary, Deaf Teens: Hearing World, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory can be applied. Christiana, who is a seventeen-year old teen, is living in both the Deaf and hearing world. The people involved in her microsystem are her peers, the friend she has made at Mary Hare’s boarding school, and her immediate family members, her mother and younger sister. Christiana’s mesosystem consists of the connections made between her boarding school teachers and her mother. Her exosystem consists of the larger social system that she doesn’t directly interact with, such as her extended family members and the community health services. The macrosystem, the outer most layer in a child’s environment, is comprised of the cultural values, customs, and laws in America (Berk, 2000). All four of the systems has shaped Christiana into the person she is

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