British Imperialism

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Paul Constantine Korkotas March 4th 2015 AP World History Mr. Sagistano, Period 6 British Colonization In India 1700s - Present The British Colonization of India had both a positive and negative affect on the nation. It left a lasting impact on the world, and even changed the world that we live in today. The British East India Company was a global company which carried on trade in the east and was the first to use India for the benefit of their nation. The government became involved with politics and “acted as an agent of British imperialism in India from the early 18th century to the mid - 19th century (East India Company)”. British Colonization in India had major impacts on the political, economic, and social characteristics within…show more content…
The British East India Company had been training Indian troops called “sepoys” in order to maintain control during their trading operations (The Sepoy Rebellion of India). They were training the sepoys like they trained troops in England, using the same weapons and method strategies. The native Sepoys became the largest part of the British forces in India, outnumbering European troops ten to one (The Sepoy Rebellion of India). The rebellion originated in Meerut and spread to Delhi, Agra, Kanpur, and Lucknow. It lasted two years, but was put down by the British (Indian Mutiny). The Sepoy Mutiny is often referred to the First War of Independence in order to kick out the foreign influence within the nation (Indian Mutiny). A man named Mangal Pandey, located in Barrackpore, was the first to initiate the rebellion by attacking a British Officer (Indian Mutiny). He was imprisoned and then later put to death by the British. After his execution, sepoy troopers refused Einfeld Cartridges “and as a punishment, they were given long terms, fettered, and put the in jail (Indian Mutiny)”. The execution of Mangal Pandey led to a gathering of men in Meerut, and they attacked the British (Indian Mutiny). The imprisonment of the sepoys “incensed their comrades” and led to a shooting of their British officers later marching to Delhi, where they had no foreign influence (Indian Mutiny). They wanted to put the former Mughal emperor of India, Bahadur Shah II, in power by the “tumultuous soldiery” (Indian Mutiny). Because the Sepoys attacked the British officers in Meerut, they eventually went to Delhi and allowed the rebellion to spread to other native people within India. This rebellion was a surprise to the British and caught them off guard, but it was still crushed by the superpower, England, two years later in 1859. The Indian Natives were not strong enough to defeat the British
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