Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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The clacking of keys, the buzz of a phone, snap of the photo. These are the things we hear and see every day, it is the sign of an infection that is spreading across not only the nation but the world. This is the world that we raise our children in, a world consumed by technology and social media. Children no longer play pretend, they don’t spend their time outside, and they don’t want to be away from the television or smart gadget. It’s not their fault that they are like this but the image they fear they will catch when they don’t fall into uniformity. Children are often bullied or even ostracized from society if they don’t act the same way as their peers. In fact social media is “fracturing [family’s] very foundation, and causing a disintegration…show more content…
Traditional notion of family and friendship does not exist in the World State of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the government feels that by taking family out of the equation that they are creating a happier world. By using Hypnopaedia they can use it as social media to take away the need to have interactions with others and the need to be intimate. It does this through conditioning. John the Savage notices the lack of relationships due to the conditioning and is horrified at the way they interact with each other which ultimately, led to his demise. While Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931, the issue of technology has been growing steadily throughout the decades. In many cultures, the most influential part of life is your family/friends, especially when in your darkest hour. However, with the growing impact of technology, the social development (how you interact with others) and the relationships of the modern society is diminishing, leading to a lack of emotional connection for modern society relationships and social…show more content…
His name is John, during his childhood his mother tried to continue the world states codes this cause her and John to be targeted by the tribeswomen. One night, several women came into John’s house they were there for revenge. At the end John “was crying, because the red marks of the whip on his back still hurt so terribly. But he was also crying because people were so beastly and unfair, and because he was only a little boy and couldn’t do anything against them.”(Huxley 85). The traditions held in the world state which Johns mother, Linda practiced got her in trouble because she slept with the husbands of the tribeswomen, a taboo in the Savage Reservation. Linda was beaten with whips, John unknowingly stepped up to protect Linda, got whipped in the process, he didn’t think that he was doing anything wrong except that he was protecting his mother. In the Savage Reservation the traditional belief is that “nobody is supposed to belong to more than one person” (Huxley 121) causes Linda much grief when she is confined to the Savage Reservation. In her attempts to carry the world state ways she is severely beaten by the wives of the men she slept this caused John to be isolated from the other mothers and children. By the time John was sixteen he was considered a man, he was to go to the Kiva and dream about his spirt animal that would prove his manhood. However,
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