Boy Scouts Accomplishments

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Academically, I’ve always strived to put forth extreme effort into my classwork and Scouting in efforts to challenge myself. At UAFS, I’ll continue to dedicate myself, as to making sure my grades reflect my hard work and success at the college level. My educational goals are simple yet very important to me. I plan on attending the University of Arkansas @ Ft Smith and pursue either a Secondary Education or Middle Level Education along with obtaining a coaching endorsement. The low tuition, the teaching program, scholarships, small classes and the “being at home environment” sold it for me. Achieving my educational goal of graduating college is a dream that will be a life-changing moment. With the pathway I’ve chosen, I know I’ll achieve it because the passion I have for education and coaching. Achievement and passion is something I learned at a very young age. One day, a local Boy Scouts troop came to my first grade class recruiting new Scouts. I remember the Scoutmaster mentioning how much fun and rewarding Scouting can be. They also talked about the ultimate rank in the organization, the Eagle. I always loved animals as a young boy, and my favorite was the Eagle. Becoming an Eagle Scout seemed the greatest thing in the world to me at that…show more content…
I worked my way, from Cub Scouts to Webelos and finally to Boy Scouts. While in the Boy Scouts, I worked through ranks very swiftly and embarked on my Trail to Eagle. After completing all of the pre-requisites, consisting of twenty-one merit badges, including at least twelve community service hours. After ten years of hard work and determination, I was one step away from becoming an Eagle Scout. The last objective I needed to obtain in my quest was the Eagle Scout Leadership Project. This was a project I needed to complete which demonstrated leadership and provided a service to a deserving institution or organization other than the Boy

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