Girl Scout Research Paper

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Since I joined Girl Scout during my Sophomore year, they has always been very important to me. Girl Scout's has had an impact on me in many ways. Girl Scouts has taught me how to socialize with people and not be shy around new people. By learning how to overcome these obstacles, I have met many new people, made so many friends, and become a role model for younger girls. There are times when I still get scared to talk to people or my troop but I'm learning how to overcome this. I have also learned how to talk to people in my community when I need help and how to help people in my community. To help contribute to my troop, I have aided the younger girls with making puppets for one of their badges. I assisted the girls cut clothes and hair out of yarn and fabric. Then I helped them glue clothes and hair onto their puppets. Another way I have learned to speak up for myself is by selling our fall products and cookies. I have raised money by working at a yard sale, and we used this money for our troop to get badges or go on trips. I have taught the younger girls different skills and knowledge, and I volunteer at Girl Scout events. For instance, at World Thinking Day in Presque Isle, I made sure the younger Girl Scouts had everything they needed for the projects they were doing and I helped them with their projects if needed. I…show more content…
I have learned to slow down on the steps of each of the badges I earned because I used to do them so fast just to get them done. I realized I would miss a few parts to the badges so my leader would make me go back and redo the steps. Now, and in the future when I want to hurry to get things done, I remember what my leader had me do so I take a deep breath and slow myself down. Now I do a better job on things the first time so I do not have to redo

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