Radioactive Boy Book Report Essay

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INTRODUCTION The Radioactive Boy Scout is a book written by Ken Silverstein and is based on a real story about David Hahn and his love for radioactive science. As you read on into the book you will get to learn many interesting facts about David and his life. This book by Ken Silverstein will tell you about all of David’s experiments and his accomplishments. KEY IDEA 1 David Hahn was a very odd kid who never got enough attention from his parents. He did not grow up in the best house hold because his mom would just sit on the couch all day and his dad would go off to work. One day while his mom wasn't paying attention he wondered through the medicine chest and gathered tooth paste, nail polish remover, and rubbing alcohol and mixed them all together in one bowl. David said “I was trying to get a magical reaction. “After his first try failed David decided the more things you mix together the better chance you have at having an explosion, so that this is just what he did. David added a drain-cleaning product and the substance started to bubble so David freaked out and quickly flushed all the substances down the toilet drain, this is where his love for science first began. Just a few years later David became fascinated with everything mechanical. David's father bought him an…show more content…
On November 29, 1955, the crew of EBR was running a series of test at the request of AEC to see if the cone could run with less than the unstable sodium coolant. At almost the same time David read somewhere (possibly in popular mechanics, to which he subscribed) that companies such as the First Alert and Captain Kelly sold off a huge discount defective expired smoke detectors. Chief Ernest phoned the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad to examine the toolbox and called in the State Department of Public Health (PDH), located ninety miles away in Langing to supply scientific and technical

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