Book Banning Research Paper

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Book Banning Books provide many things: friendship, entertainment, and annoyance to name just a few things. There are millions of books out there, most of which are sculpted for an age group. Each age group typically reads what was written for them, so that’s what school libraries buy. However, there are some books that are not appropriate or contain graphic images yet are written for a younger audience, so schools ban them. That’s not a bad thing though, the schools are only protecting the kids, and rightfully so. Many children are too sensitive to particular topics or too immature. It’s not a bad thing, in fact it’s incredibly normal, yet some see the fact that schools judge books as bad for the children and ban them as infringing upon rights when it’s not infringing…show more content…
So what about the actual readers? Well these “actual readers” are still kids, maturity and reading level aside. In fact, maturity doesn’t equal reading level at all. A child in 3rd grade could be able to read college level books, but that doesn’t mean they could mentally or emotionally handle the content or even begin to fully process and understand it all. That takes maturity and you don’t gain that by reading. However, what that 3rd grader- and ones like them- could probably do is suck up information like a sponge. What the information is, on the other hand, depend on what they read, but not all information is good information. If an inappropriate book is banned from a library then there’s not risk of an information sucker getting ahold of it. As said in’s article named “Common Reasons for Banning Books”, “…it is important that the reader make his/her judgments on the book.”, but kids can’t do that for themselves most of the time, no matter the reader level. So called “actual readers” are still kids and they should be treated as such, meaning that books should still be banned for their

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