1. Introduction Boeing commercial airplanes has took on a project to manufacture the boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. However, problems occurs throughout the manufacturing process and after the aircraft was manufactured. Aircrafts was overweight and technical issues causing delays and losses of billions of dollars. Problems with landing gear and lithium-ion batteries arise after the aircraft went on service. Hairline cracks are found in the wings during manufacturing. And engine shut down and loses
necessary information about the APU. The focal point will be on the APS 5000, which is the APU for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This section is divided in two paragraph; APU in general (1.1.) and the APS 5000 (1.2.). 1.1. APU in general An aircraft APU is a small gas turbine specifically designed to meet the on-board demands of the aircraft when the Aircraft is On Ground (AOG). The APU drives both an electrical generator and an air compressor. With the produced energy the APU is able to provide: Electric