Randy And Ruth's Relationship Analysis

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Travis and Ruth Ruth’s relationship with Travis is a loving relationship masquerading as a frictional one. At first, Ruth is seen as bossy and overbearing; she is snappy and bossy. However, this is revealed to be her motherly love for her son. Like most mothers, Ruth’s “tough love” is helping to support Travis and build his character. Ruth’s moodiness could have also been hormones associated with pregnancy. In return, Travis loves his mother and does what she tells him to do. All in all, their relationship is harmonious and positive. Ruth and Mama As Walter hinted at, Ruth and Mama have a very cooperative relationship. They commonly drink coffee and talk to each other. Ruth seems to have the most effect on Mama out of any of the Youngers. Mama also seems to care deeply for Ruth and her wellbeing. However, these two strong women do not see eye to eye on how Travis should be raised. Mama, the Grandmother, spoils him rotten, while Ruth is trying to raise him as a self-reliant young man. While it does not get angry or out of hand, Ruth’s words seem to be annoyed with mama. Walter and Ruth…show more content…
They constantly contradict each other; their core beliefs are oppositions of each other. Ruth does not even approve of Walter’s circle of friends. Walter’s desperation and accusing tone of voice only furthers the negativity between them. Their disagreements in front of Travis shows how their love is crumbling.Their acts of love are few and far between. Walter is completely disagreeable and hostile in act one scene one. He is a constant source of friction for the entire Younger family because of his deterred

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