officers to wear what is referred to as body worn cameras. Body worn cameras are being implemented throughout the United States along with several other countries. The purpose of this paper is to relay information on what exactly these cameras can do and how they are implemented. The main focus is to assess the pros and cons of body worn cameras and to deliberate on the idea of setting a mandate requiring all law enforcement to use them. The history of body cameras being implemented in policing first
current fashion trends will also be highlighted in this research. In my opinion, technology has created room for the possibilities of digital printing, 3D printing, fabric texturing, and substantial eco-friendly fabric. Technology has made
DIPLOMA PROJECT THEME FOR: Viviana Elena Sînziana DINU 1. Theme title: 3D Printed Robotic Hand Driven by Sensor Glove and Leap Motion 2. Initial design data: The robot hand must imitate the movements of a human hand fit into the glove that has motion sensors. The robot hand will have 5 motors, one for each finger of the hand. The motors will be controlled by a microcontroller. The glove must have 5 motion sensors that read the movement of the human hand that wears the glove, sending the data