Black Student Activism In The 1960's

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When one ponders about activism in the United States, one of the most storied and significant cases dwell with the Black Activism in the 1960's. Starting with the Civil Rights Movement, activism that involved African-Americans would turn their attention towards higher education following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. My proposal focuses on the black student activism that was seen during the later years of the 60's, and more specifically, analyze how DePaul University was influenced by the activism through the protests of the Black Student Union. While the timeline of events are known, the research proposal stresses that there are several unknown factors that exist with this movement, and it should be researched to not only…show more content…
Universities such as DePaul experienced an evolution in racial relations as a result of activism as a result of their willingness to not only listen, but address and remedy the issues that were raised by the Black Student Union. According to Professor Ibrahim X. Kendi of the University of Florida (then known as Ibrahim H. Rogers), information on the movement is relatively unknown despite the clear results of diversification . This is stated in his article The Black Campus Movement and the Institutionalization of Black Studies, 1965-1970 By looking at the local level of this movement, meaning the individual universities that had their own protests, a greater understanding can be formed about the entire movement on a national scale.. By analyzing the impact of black student activism had during the 1960's, questions about how to address racial tensions today can be answered. The responses of the past allowed for significant progress to be made among relations between students, faculty, and administrations. By looking at the responses of the past, we can gather insight as to what would be the best form of action to take towards amending the racial relations of today. In today's society, racial relations can still be tense, particularly within the academic sphere between students, faculty, and administration. DePaul is a prime example of…show more content…
Rury's work Student Life and Campus Culture at Depaul: A Hundred Year History is utilized as a secondary source because of its inclusion of DePaul's interaction with the Black Student Union. This is because Rury provides an important context to the Black Student Union and a general background of how significant this event really was during its time. The mention of the Young Lords and Black Panthers involvement is critical because it shows that even though the focus was on DePaul, it certainly extended out of DePaul's proximity and involved influential forces in the Chicago community for activism . This source not only provides a brief survey of this period of activism at DePaul, but it stresses the incredible influence it had. This is important because while we know of the event, knowing about is vital for insight, making it worth the

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