Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Research Paper

850 Words4 Pages
The Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages were eras of immense change and productivity in man's history. Within the Paleolithic Age, man lived in specific social groups, trading with others to survive and prosper, and used stone utilities in the process. Yet, a revolutionary time period disrupted this way of life, the Neolithic Age. From the development of agriculture, to the newfound ability for mankind to settle into a sedentary lifestyle, humankind would never be the same. Socially, the two time periods consisted of equal gender roles. For example, females typically gathered foods such as berries and nuts. Yet, males generally hunted down prey through their migration routes to provide for their families, using stone tools in the process. Many generations tried numerous species of plants and roots, as man learned by experience which ones were edible. In the case in which a man didn’t supply enough food to support the family, the family would turn to feed off of the food collected by the woman. The families of prehistory fed off of what the woman had accumulated a…show more content…
For example, the Paleolithic leaders were the head of tribal societies in which the eldest of the society was the designated ruler of the clan. The leaders of these communities were not generally overly controlling or strict, due to the fact that the population of each group was limited and not of even remotely colossal scale.On the other hand, the people of the Neolithic age typically displayed more than one leader for different specific instances, such as a military leader or a religious leader. Leaders of the Neolithic age were excessively controlling a majority of the time, and the age itself was blossoming as it advanced with different people controlling different aspects of society. Moreover, the Paleolithic people had a primitive government, whereas the Neolithic people had a complex government as their political

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