Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique

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“I’ve got tears in my eyes with sheer relief that my own inner turmoil is shared with other women,” (Friedan 23). Women across America followed the particular journey of growing up learning how to become great housewives. “The happy housewife heroine” was what it was referred to as. Women had known no different then being a housewife, so they grieved in silence. It wasn’t until a feminist named Betty Friedan brought to light the idea that women can become so much more than just a servant to their husbands. The action was sparked by the desire for reform stimulated by the Civil War. When Friedan brought light to the fact that so many other women in America wanted to get out of the position of a housewife the women banded together to create advances in the lives of women across the United States. Friedan was the light that the women needed to find in the dark tunnel of their lives.…show more content…
She wrote about the “problem that had no name”. The underlying problems that kept women out of education and in their homes being housewives were examined by Friedan. The writings of Friedan are what sparked women to finally realize that they have so much more that they can achieve if they don’t follow the basic ways of life. In The Feminine Mystique Friedan focused on bringing awareness to the issues such as education, abortion, sex-based discrimination, careers and brought awareness to other issues prevalent in their society. This was one of the biggest things to shock American women into thinking that they had a better life outside of being a

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