Emancipation Proclamation Research Paper

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The Emancipation Proclamation is one of the most important documents in United States history. Many argue the proclamation ended slavery which technically it did, but there was a problem. The proclamation applied to the United states Union not the Confederate states. So the slaves were free in the “free states,” but not in the states where slavery was occurring. In the “free states” it seemed for some that slavery was a better route because the conditions and treatment to the slaves were brutal. Some of the northerners still believed that the African Americans were inferior to European Americans. Abraham Lincoln’s beliefs did not reflect how he felt about slavery. He did not have a view on slavery Lincoln did not care if it went away or if it stayed, in the Emancipation he decided since the Confederate states depended on the labor of the slaves to make it disappear. The main reasons to issue the proclamation were for three reasons. The first was to oppose the pressing issue of British and France allying with the Confederacy. The second was the timing because with the victory of the Battle of Antietam the momentum was swinging to the North’s side. Third was also to…show more content…
This would have given the south near unlimited supplies and resources because these were two of the most powerful militaries in the world. But Lincoln countered this in the proclamation. He stated, “You both abolished slavery-are you really going to recognize a nation built on that institution now, just to have access to the cotton grown by their slaves?” (Guttman). This stopped the European countries in their tracks and they realized the damage they would do for something they abolished in their own country. The proclamation challenged moral values of all the countries and basically demeaned the Confederacy for the inhumane ways they are treating African

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