Ben And Jerry's

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Paste your essay in here...Introduction Ben & Jerry’s Ben & Jerry’s are one of the innovative leaders in the ice cream industry. Ben & Jerry’s evaluate its success by how much it gives back to the community (Flannery, 2000). It was founded by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in 1978 when they opened the first Ben & Jerry’s homemade ice cream scoop shop in a renovated gas station in downtown Burlington, Vermont (Ben & Jerry's, 2013). The ice cream maker’s effective work of corporate social responsibility has made them a model for the industry for engaging in socially responsible behaviour (Poltenson, 1996) Competitive Advantage Strategic management is all about gaining and maintaining competitive advantage. When a firm can do something that…show more content…
, 2008). These strategies are called generic because all industries or business can pursue them, regardless of whether they are manufacturing, non-profit enterprises or services (Hill & Jones, 2009). Such companies are said to be stuck in the middle because they have made product/market choices in such a way that they have been unable to obtain or sustain a competitive advantage. As a result, they experience below-average performance, no consistent business-level strategy, and suffer when industry competition intensifies (Porter M. ,…show more content…
Ben & Jerry’s has set up a charitable foundation to help support a variety of projects based in the markets in which it operates. For example, the company set up a charitable foundation in the UK when it moved into that market (Jerry's, Our History: Ben & Jerry's, 1999). Ben & Jerry’s also demonstrates how they care to its consumers. Ben & Jerry’s donates 7.5 percent of pre-tax profits to charity, while the average corporation in the United States donates 1 percent (Dennis, Neck, & Goldsby, 1998). The organizations that receive the money include environmental groups, AIDS projects, a centre for immigrant rights, American Indians and the homeless (Dennis, Neck, & Goldsby,

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