Battle Of Little Bighorn: Custer's Last Stand

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Battle of Little Big Horn 2 The Battle of Little Bighorn is also know as the Custer's Last Stand. This battle was a confrontation amongst the Lakota, Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes, who were associated with the Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, fighting against the Seventh Cavalry whom is in with the Army of the United States. The Battle of Little Big Horn happened on the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth of June in 1876, by the river on the east side of Montana. What led up to the battle? Tautness amongst the two rose since gold was found on the land on the Native Americans. In the late spring 10,00 or more…show more content…
It is believed that the numbers of United States Calvary troops were outnumbered by at least one to three Native Americans. After two days the troops Custer was told to wait for arrived and the Native Americans had already collected their own from the battle field and all that remained were bodies of United States Soldiers. Many of the United Sates Soldiers had their clothing removed and were to badly mutilated to identify. Six of the many United States troops that were wounded were treated, but later died from the injuries they took on during the battle. Colonel Custer's body was found at the top of the hil with a gunshot in the temple and his left chest. His body however was not mutilated and some believe this is due to the fact that he was in all buckskin instead of a uniform. Today a memorial stands at the top of the hill where Custer was found with the names of all that was killed during the Battle of Little Big Horn. All in all two hundred and ten United States Soldiers under the command of Colonel Custer and fifty two men under the commander of Major Reno were inscribed on the memorial. All the Soldiers killed during the battle were quickly buried. It is said

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