The Role Of Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Audrey Hepburn once said, “When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that’s when I think life is over.” This statement by the well-known actress will always remain true, no matter who it pertains to. In Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, characters burdened with loneliness find themselves secretly hurting on the inside and unable to vent because of the lack of company. Thus, humans naturally yearn for the company of a living being and will do anything to gain that companionship. Crooks finds himself in a lonely position as a result of his skin tone and finds companionship in Lennie and Candy, who remain oblivious to the black man’s misery. For example, after a seemingly irritated Crooks finally invites Candy…show more content…
As Curley’s wife remains negatively mentioned in a conversation, the ranch workers describe her attention-seeking strategies; “‘She ain’t concealing nothing...she got the eye goin’ all the time on everybody’” (51). Even though flirting towards men other than her spouse gives Curley’s wife negative attention, such as gossiping and steering clear, she finds herself desperate for some human contact and will strive for any notice of her. Abounding with the feeling of loneliness, this woman would rather overlook the aftermath of her actions, for instance, the workers that unfortunately face the wrath of Curley’s jealousy, to satisfy her craving for regard and conversation. Additionally, Curley’s wife’s first appearance implies that she has an exhibitionist persona; “she had full rouged lips...heavily made up...she wore a cotton house dress and red mules...” (31). By the look of her outfit and makeup, she obviously commits to a striking appearance that tempts the ranch workers to glance her way. In fact, she does not spend her time on this extravagant appearance for Curley, her husband, but for possible companions on the ranch, considering she barely sees Curley over the course of one day and instead talks to the workers. Curley’s wife is eager to go to great lengths to find a companion on the ranch, even if the process is

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