Custer's Last Stand: The Battle Of The Little Bighorn

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BATTLE OF THE LITTLE BIGHORN Introduction The Battle of the Little Bighorn, fought on June 25, 1876, near the Little Bighorn River, marked one of the most decisive Native American victories and the worst U.S. Army defeat during the Plains Indian War. Mounting tension between the U.S. government and the Plains Indians was continually increasing, resultant of a dispute over reservation land and the highly desirable Black Hills. After many Indians missed government deadlines to move to reservation land, President Ulysses S. Grant dispatched the U.S. Army’s 7th Cavalry to confront the remaining tribes and achieve compliance. Unaware of the number of Indians that he would face during this action, Custer found himself and the 7th Cavalry vastly outnumbered and were quickly overwhelmed and defeated in what was to become known as Custer’s Last Stand. History Tension between the Native American Indians and governmental agencies formed long before the United States itself. Since the first successful English settlement of Jamestown in 1607, European immigrants were continually expanding westward with an ever desiring thirst for land. The years preceding the American…show more content…
Confident in the belief that “no Indians would dare attack such a large force” (CITATION) Crook’s camp setup tents, brewed coffee, and played games. To the surprise of Crook and his men, Sioux and Cheyenne warriors charged and attacked the camp following the lead of a prominent Lakota warrior named Crazy Horse. With the help of Crow and Shoshone scouts attached to his column, Crook and his men were able to endure the attack. Unsure of how to interpret the attack, Crook withdrew his troops the following morning and penned a message to Sheridan detailing the events. There was no attempt to send this information to Terry or

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