Barnes And Noble Case Summary

833 Words4 Pages
. Conclusion and Recommendation 1. Improve the strategy that is not replicating the competition but getting ahead of it. There is a problem in the design and approach of the Barnes and Noble expansion into the Nook Division. A bookstore dreamed of becoming a future-oriented technology company. The strategy is excellent and retains relevance, but the implementation and approach to change were problematic. There is a need to put together a diverse group of talent that can create a rich undertsanding of the change that comes from various perspectives (Foster, 2012). There needs to be a holistic view to pinpoint the change that the company needs to cope. The management and development team need to be sensitive to the external environment. Barnes and Noble needs to put in a new, fresh and change-oriented management. If the company proceeds with the spinning off of the Nook division, then the management can focus on fortifying the Barnes and Noble Book Store. The contributing factors to why the stratey is failing is because the company is attempting to replicate what the competition is already offering, and offering at a superior quality and service. Barnes and Noble needs to rethink its strategy and promote its strengths, not divide them. A new strategy must be put in place not only to compete with the digital challenge but to…show more content…
There is a need to reduce the threat. The changes in the structure and processes have created an atmosphere of frustration and threat. Barnes and Noble needs to reduce the level of threat among employees and management created by divestitures. Absence of threat means that a person cannot perceive any aspect of a situation as negative and does not react or act (Redmond, 2012). Without threat, individuals are not motivated to protect their resources. Instead they are motivated to engage in cooperative behaviors like gaining judgments that are more accurate of their group and contributing more efficient decision-making abilities (Redmond,

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