Ballet Redefined Research Paper

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Julie Anne Bacayo 2015-08038 Ballet Redefined Most people ask me what genres of dance I’ve had lessons in. Most people would laugh when I say that I used to dance ballet. Even now, whenever people ask me what’s my PE class, the moment I say it’s ballet, they laugh. Me, embarrassed, would laugh at the idea too. Of course, from my point of view, ballet is no laughing matter. They laugh because they are judging by what they see. They don’t have any experience when it comes to the rigorous training ballerinas go through. That is part of the art of ballet, conveying different kinds of emotions through their facial expressions, hiding the strain brought by their collective movements that altogether form a masterpiece. Ballet started to be a folk dance that originated in Italy. When King Henry II, a French king at that time, married Catherine de Medici, an Italian from the prominent family of the Medicis, she brought with her an entourage of folk dancers, and that’s when ballet reached France. A century later, King Louis XIV, promoted ballet in his court, as he was a performer himself. That’s when the terms we now know of were codified in French. Ballet has definitely evolved throughout the years. It has emerged from romantic ballet, to classical ballet to neoclassical ballet, to the modern one…show more content…
The environment can also be compared the same way with musicians, but ballerinas with their extensive physical training, ballerinas can be distinguished from

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