Ap World History Chapter 7 Essay

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RG #7 Question 1: Teotihuacan, a city-state located in central Mexico, played an important function to the people. Religiously, sacred mountains located near the city-state allowed religious buildings to align with the stars. Buildings such as pyramids and temples were dedicated to their deities. In these temples, hundreds of people were sacrificed, because it was seen as an asset to the balance of society and their sacred duty. Economically, the city-state was seen as a trading power that increased the society’s wealth, power, and status. Politically, the elite controlled taxes, trade, and government; their influence led to the building of palaces and temples to show the prestige of Teotihuacan. In addition, chinampas, man-made islands,…show more content…
They became powerful through conquest and alliances; they created the Aztec empire. Politically, the Aztecs maintained control by developing their capital, Tenochtitlan. In addition, the Aztec started a monarchy based off their powerful neighbors. Economically, tributary states, chinampas, and pochteca helped contribute to the Aztec empire. Tributary states, conquered states that belonged to the Aztecs, were forced to pay taxes through goods and labor to the empire. Chinampas often contributed agriculturally through the fruits and vegetables that were planted there. Overall, tributary states and chinampas helped feed and develop the Aztec Empire. Pochtecas, merchants that engaged in long-distance trade, helped bring and spread luxury items from and to the Aztec empire. Religiously, Aztec deities dominated culture; Tenochtitlan was filled with temples devoted to these gods. However, rituals, such as human sacrifice, were believed to satisfy them. Socially, the Aztecs united their empire through the establishment of the calpulli, which were basically clans based on kinship and residence. The calpulli provided vital functions: distribution of land and organization of

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