Avatar Fan Culture

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Introduction In accordance with Henry Jenkins argument in “Get a Life!”: Fans, Poachers, Nomads, Jenkins argues that there is another angle to which media fans can be viewed and attempt to be understood with regards to a culture that is not considered widely and often portrayed within negative terms. Jenkins reading emphasises to the readers that fans of media texts are being depicted as a culture which possesses negative characteristics, that which could be considered as taboo as well as another side to fan culture that’s does not receive as much recognition. These media fans are recognised as active readers of the text. The two films selected: Avatar and WALL-E, are films that are both within the genre of science fiction. The films having…show more content…
Fans of Avatar were reported to have had experienced sensations of withdrawals when the two and half hour movie had ended as a result of the film being so captivating to its ‘Avatards’ audience. The fan culture surrounding Avatar, is an audience which is most frequently reported, within the news, as a fandom that is associated with negative undertones as a result of the number of suicides that has occurred for the reason being according to (Blake 2010) that the audience had realised that “they will never be able to visit the utopian planet”. The degree of the depression that a fan whom is engrossed in this particular utopia is as a result of the films ability to transport the audience “to a strange, exciting place that does not exist around them”, as argued by Paul Levinson, a professor at Fordham University (Osterhout…show more content…
The film differs from any other movie done before by Pixar for the film is, according to Sandhu, “an outrageously alive, ambitious, almost avant-garde synthesis of robot love story and ecological fable that fuses the eeriest, funniest and most memorable elements of movies” (Sandhu 2014). WALL-E, in comparison to any other Disney and Pixar film made prior WALL-E did not offer what WALL-E had to its audience: “a surprising and refreshing level of social commentary about the consequences of consumer culture, issuing a stark, albeit cartoonish, warning to a captive younger audience”, other words, WALL-E focuses on issues relating to the social and political aspects of life. The underlying issues incorporated within the film, regarded the public’s “consumer-driven lifestyle whereby convenience and complacency have supplanted personal liberty” with reference to society and the way in which people live (Krier

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