LGBTQ Representation In Cinema

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LGBTQ representation in cinema is a touchy subject for many filmmakers and studios. Whilst as a culture we have moved on to a more accepting view of same-sex relationships, LGBTQ rights and trans issues, a medium we look towards to show the evolving view of the world in cinema. Many films, especially in recent years, have had an increased representation of LGBTQ relationships, rights, and issues, to varying degrees of quality. What makes good representation in cinema is treating something as unsensational as if there would be no change to the story and the characters were the writers to change the gender or sexuality of the characters. Whilst positive LGBTQ representation is still rare, some films have accomplished that, whilst others are…show more content…
By giving heavy-handed symbolism of sexual intercourse between the two characters, to giving an almost dreamlike tone to the romance, Battle of The Sexes focuses on sugar-coating and giving an unrealistic look at the lesbian romance within the movie, historically inaccurate as it is or not. It’s these incredibly heavy-handed and stereotypical representations of LGBTQ representations that set back and don’t change perceptions, despite their being that representation at all. Jillian Gutowitz, in her VICE article discussing the movie, sums it up perfectly, “Where Battle of the Sexes may have lacked in subtlety, it made up for in queer representation—and that's a step forward. But when that representation comes as heavy-handed as it did here, it's hard to tell what direction Hollywood is headed after all.” (Guttowitz, 2017, par. 15) This movie shows the typical stereotypical LGBTQ representation that we are used to, but what does the opposite end of the spectrum look…show more content…
In recent years, we have had a bit of LGBTQ representation in movies and media. However, when that representation is not positive, it can have an opposite effect and reinforce the views people have on certain issues. Call Me by Your Name is a positive example of LGBTQ representation because it’s portrayal of the character’s relationship is not based on their gender, but their unrequited love and attraction for one another. Battle of the Sexes, however, relies on stereotypes and tropes in its portrayal of the LGBTQ relationship within the movie. It stands to say that for every Call Me by Your Name, there is ten or more Battle of the Sexes. Some say that any representation is a good representation, but if we wish to have changed in the way people think of and view certain things, we must look towards positive and well thought out representations to change minds versus reinforcing negative and overused

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