Between the films, Avatar directed by James Cameron and District 9 directed by Neill Blomkamp, it is apparent that District 9 is more evolved in the themes of science fiction. Through exploring the themes of Dystopia, historical societal issues and realism and space within Avatar, District 9 and Starship Troopers, the simplicity and realism contained with District 9 allows it to be an evolved example of the science fiction film. Dystopia is a prevalent theme in both District 9 and Avatar and becomes
genre is defined by unrealistic settings and advanced futuristic technology. Therefore, ‘Avatar’ could be considered as a more evolved science fiction film than ‘District 9’ as ‘Avatar’ uses more advanced film techniques and technology, is set in a futuristic environment, although they share a similar theme. In ‘Avatar’, advanced technology like the Avatar program, where one is able to control the body of an Avatar with their mind while sleeping inside a machine, is used. An extreme close-up of closed
relocation by his father-in-law Piet Lives a very simple and conservative life with his wife Tania Has a typically Afrikaans family South African Lead Protagonist He is a paralyzed Marine veteran He replaces his twin brother Tom in the Avatar program in Pandora American Biographical description Wikus Van Der Merwe is an Afrikaans south African man who works in the lower sections of MNU. His father-in-law Piet gave him a promotion to lead the relocation of the alines/prawns. On his first