Avatar: A Dystopian Film

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Avatar is a dystopian film because it takes place in a universe where Earth has undergone significant deforestation, coupled with almost complete extinction of wildlife and depletion of natural resources. While Earth is shown as a dystopian place, Pandora is seen as a utopia. It is seen as a planet that has a supernatural environment that is unnaturally peaceful, is harmonious with nature and has perfect conditions for life. Another utopian element lies in the Omaticaya’s social order. Avatar’s Na’vi is ruled by a wise leader – first Eytucan aided by his shaman wife Mo’at and later Tsu’Tey - backed up by warriors who are noble and courageous. The roles of the other Na’vi are not clear, but they seem as accommodating to the social order as workers who make possible the static and orderly state. Pandora is shown as a jungle with unrealistic environment, where there are strange-looking plants that glow in the night. Pandora is a utopian place for the Na’vis because they consider Pandora as a blessed paradise where nature provides for all their needs.…show more content…
Col. Miles Quartich mentions earlier in the film that, ‘every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for Jujubes’. He mentions that the Na’vi is savage; ‘They’re fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in one minute.’ Also, the humans want the Na’vi to leave their planet because they want to use the mineral ‘Unobtainium’ as Earth’s energy resource – although it is later revealed that Quaritch’s goal is actually to annihilate all the Na’vi for vengeance. This is why he first destroys the Sacred tree and then begins a war. Besides Quartich, the corporate group also represents the evilness and egoism of the human society. The contrast between the "two worlds" is massive, and the film is authentic and transferable to real

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