Gayle Forman's If I Stay

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This month I read the story, If I Stay, by Gayle Forman. It’s about a girl named Mia who has everything set out in front of her. She got accepted to Juilliard, she has an amazing boyfriend, a family who loves and adores her, a great best friend, when suddenly all of that is taken away in an instant. While going on a trip to see some family-friends, she, her brother Teddy, and her parents Kat and Denny, get in a car accident leaving her to be the only survivor. In a coma, she is left with one choice, should she stay, or should she go? Mia, the main character, is very open and torn all throughout the novel. She isn’t shown to feel many emotions while in her limbo like state. She can feel things but its like they’re distant, not at all there. And when the feelings are there they’re fast, powerful, and don’t go away easily. Throughout the whole story you can tell that Mia is furious that she was left…show more content…
Mia. One part of her wanted to give up and go, yet another couldnt bare to leave the last few of her loved ones behind. She kept on going between staying and leaving, and it left her torn, and also in the end broken. She couldn't decide. She broke herself in two wanting to make everyone happy but at the same time she wanted to be selfish. Just that once she wanted to be selfish. But she couldn't allow herself to. She says that “ I have a feeling that once you live through something like this, you become a little bit invincible”(pg. 182) however she say’s that when talking about those around her, and never herself. She just keeps on struggling. The story is told in first person which is apparent when Mia first asks in the book, “How am I supposed to decide this”(LOC. 3). It talks about the characters feeling in I and me and we. It’s all told in Mia’s point of view. She tells about how it felt to be abandoned, to be left behind. She always describes her feelings in a way only the person that is feeling them can

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