Australian Citizenship Day Research Paper

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Become An Australian Citizen Deciding to become an Australian citizen is a big decision to make. The good news is that once you are legally recognised as an Australian citizen, you will have the same responsibilities and privileges that someone who was born in Australia has. On the 17th of September each year, Australian Citizenship Day is celebrated. It is managed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). Australian Citizenship Day In 2001 Australian Citizen Day was introduced, in order to provide an occasion for individuals, schools, groups, communities and organisations to celebrate and be proud of their Australian citizenship. The 17th of September was the day that was chosen. This is the anniversary of the renaming, in 1973 of the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 to the Australian Citizenship Act 1948. It is common practice for…show more content…
According to the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection,'"Australian citizenship is more than a legal status. It is our common bond that represents our shared democratic beliefs and gives us a sense of belonging and pride in our achievements as a nation." Australian citizenship ceremonies Special events take place in the form of citizenship ceremonies. This is where applicants for citizenship are required to make the Australian citizenship pledge. This is the last step in the journey to becoming an Australian citizen. One of the primary goals behind this ceremony is to officially welcome new citizens to the Australian community. You may be invited to attend a ceremony once your application has been approved. Apply for Australian citizenship The good news is that the government of Australia strongly encourages people from all walks of life who are permanent residents of Australia to apply for Australian citizenship, once they become eligible. The best way to apply for Australian citizenship will depend on your individual circumstances and

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