Explanatory Essay for Coney Island Campaign Amal Bhavnani, Antonio Cheng, Elias Mueller, Gabriel Cheng Dr. Friedman U.S History Block 4 11/01/201 Coney Island is located in the southwest of Long Island, New York City. Ironically, it is a peninsula not an island. Coney Island is famous for the amusement parks and the seaside resort. The era of coney island started in 1895, and it provided entertainment to millions of people. The heyday of Coney Island in the first half of 20 century
from the genteel, “Victorian” culture they were used to and toward a more, “vigorous, exuberant, daring, sensual, uninhibited, and irreverent” one (6). In his book, Amusing the Million: Coney Island at the turn of the century, John Kasson, makes his thesis clear that with the rise of an urban-industrial society, Coney Island’s new amusement parks, and other forms of more affordable entertainment influenced the societal changes which began to emerge at the turn of the century and helped serve as a getaway