Macbeth Text Response Essay

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Vincent lam English Macbeth - Text Response - Oral Shakespeare's Macbeth uses a wide range of structural and language techniques. He uses a variety of techniques to enhance the play; some of the techniques that are used to improve the messages of power, ambition and the fall of a once noble figure are the supernatural and imagery. Power was the only thing on Macbeths mind after coming across the three witches. The supernatural played a significant part in enhancing the messages of power, when the first prophecy of Macbeth becoming the “Thane of Cawdor” Macbeth had the ambition of obtaining the crown. In order for him to gain the title of king and have the greatest power of all, he needed to either kill the current king, who was also his cousin, or wait until he achieved this naturally. Since the first prophecy had already come true, he had more confident in the other prediction that were given to him. Macbeth felt invincible, as he thought that if the first prophecy came true, the other must as well. The need for power engulfed Macbeth and eventually led him to madness. A floating dagger create from him mind was wavering in front of him, leading the way to Duncan's cabin,…show more content…
He wanted to claim all the power to himself. He came to a conclusion to murder Banquo and his son, as the three witches also predicted that Banquos' children would be future kings. The murder of Banquo was successful but his son escaped. Macbeth started seeing Banquo's ghost in front of his guests. The paranormal enhanced the message of the fall of once a noble because when Banquo's ghost appeared in front of him, it seemed as though Macbeth was talking to himself and he was acting strangely as though he was scared. The purpose of this effect was to make Macbeth feel guilty, which made him think doubt his decision of murdering the king and his

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